Monday, May 13, 2019

Extra Gear

In the SRI maintenance area there are many unused (?) rail cars.  Each one is a treasure to itself.
Way in the back, I found a flat car with a wood deck.  On the deck was so much stuff.  All sorts of odds and ends.  And plant growth.  And synthetic rope.  I didn't want to irritate our generous hosts by climbing all over the cars so I could get a good frame on the entire deck.  So you do what you can.
On the back corner was this gear.  Looked heavy.  Looked weathered.

The 1/800 second shutter speed and ISO 2000 are a bit of overkill.  But this isn't going to be a fine art image.  A little noise isn't going to hurt this one at all.

I was in debate with myself on if the branches should be removed.  In the end, the location demanded the scene needed to stay as is.  The subject to me is the gear, and the branches are not in the way.  The detail in the metal is starting to get to me like the detail in wood.  I usually prefer to 'add' some to the rust color, but here it didn't work for me.  This shade is just right.

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