Monday, September 7, 2020

Labor Day - 2020 (Covid Style)

This was my last totally free weekend for a while, through the end of October.  Seven to eight weeks.  And end of October is if everything goes well.  Pays the bills.  And funds the hobby.
Non-photography related weekend stuff, put some miles on the truck.  My destination on Saturday was packed with tourists.  I think it was great.  Probably a bad year overall for the tourist industry, but good to see people out and about.  But I was not to be part of it, too many people for me.  No photos or souvenirs on that trip.
Sunday was off to the BMX track for the afternoon.
So this year it has come down to horses and BMX as photography subjects.  And that is OK.  C and I have been safe so far.  And that is what counts.
But a close second would be to continue to grow in this hobby.  With aircraft, I have background knowledge of the subject.  I have interest angles.  With horses and bike, I have to sort of feel my way through it.  What works, and what works a bit less.
So Sunday, found myself at the BMX track.  Third time there.  I should have a much better idea of what to get accomplished.  Prior to going out this weekend, I reached out to the track operator to get permission to access the 'interior' of the track.  Permission granted.  And I met some nice people in the process.
The day started out heavily overcast, threat of rain.  At flag drop, nice and sunny with some winds.  Great day to be out.  
As to the photos, the shots taken before the race are not as bright as the race shots.  The lighting was very different. 
I found some good areas on the inside of the track.  I also found out that a lot of the shots I thought I'd like were into the sun.  So half came out really well, and the rest were into the sun.
I've landed on a minimum shutter speed of 1/1250 sec.  At this point I am OK with 'freezing' the shot.  With aircraft and props, I'd never freezing of the prop as a good photo.  With the bikes, I just don't know any better.  After this outing, I may have experiment more with speeds.

Jump Kick Out
NIKON D780 Ver.01.01/70-300mm f/4.5-5.6
85 mm, 1/1250 sec, f/5.6, ISO 1600 (AUTO)
EV +0.67, MANUAL Mode, Size 16:9

The ISO being that high wasn't too much of an issue.  Yea, it's visible if you look for it.  So don't look.  I did have to clean up the visible face a bit.
I did back into two sort of 'artsy' shots.  Purely mistakes, but in the end the print is all that matters.  And I like these next two shots.  
It should be noted that these were pretty tight because of my position and major cropping was not necessary.  
With this shot, there was no ISO cleanup.  I think this is 'perfectly' framed.  Some of the bike is missing, but that's OK.

One Looking
NIKON D780 Ver.01.01/70-300mm f/4.5-5.6
240 mm, 1/1250 sec, f/5.6, ISO 1800 (AUTO)
EV +0.67, MANUAL Mode, Size 16:9

This is an example of the focus lock staying with the intended subject.  I locked on tot he rider when he was in the turn.  And it didn't release.  And it works.

One In Focus
NIKON D780 Ver.01.01/70-300mm f/4.5-5.6
195 mm, 1/1250 sec, f/5.6, ISO 1400 (AUTO)
EV +0.67, MANUAL Mode, Size 16:9

Accidents, the only way we learn.  And, this week I'll be going to a R/C airplane event.  Time to start researching!

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