Sunday, August 25, 2019

Juvenile Eagle Banking

When I go out to the Refuge, I plan on spending three to four hours there.  The earlier the better.  Anyway, just doing one loop of the auto tour just isn't enough.  It seems to alternate on which loop generates the best 'scenery'.  I've also been going out there enough that time starts to slow down a bit in that I can take in more options.  My first few trips out there I'd come home with 300+ images.  Now, less than 50.  But those 50 are much better or more interesting.  I still miss on the focus on a few, but my hit rate is OK.  The first sets of shots were all pretty easy.  Bird standing still.  Now, I'm looking for the flight action.  And I miss on the focus a bit more.
I'm also getting more comfortable with the 1.3 size option - which essentially cuts down the visual angle to the same as 600 mm.  It's the math.  But there is a price paid in that the pixel count is decreased.  But that's OK - there's software.  However, the margin of error in focus is a lot less when using the 1.3 size.  But if I get it right, I can work with it.
And when it all comes together, you get this.
Side note: The titling of images is not easy.  To a lot of people, the title of Eagle Banking might conjure up an image of an Eagle in line at their bank.  To aviators, you'd get the image of an Eagle in flight, making a slight turn.  This is the aviator take.

Juvenile Eagle Banking
NIKON D500 Ver.1.15/70.0-300.0 mm f/4.5-5.6
600 mm, 1/1000 sec, f/6.3, ISO 125 (AUTO)
EV 0, MANUAL Mode, Size 1.3

That will be a good screen saver.

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