Thursday, August 29, 2019

Thunderbirds and an Eagle - You're Never Alone

Time to get my Airshow on.
I'm not quite ready to get my full Airshow on, as there is a weekend coming up and I'm sure to find my way to the Refuge for a few hours.  But it is getting close.
So I started to think of something different.  What if.....
I've got the Eagle pictures.  I've got the aircraft pictures.  This should work.
The Eagle picture is from earlier this year.  It is quite small in the picture, but in reality it doesn't need to be perfect.  The background sky is close to the cloudless sky of the Thunderbirds, so should be close anyway.  
The Thunderbird picture is from this post.
The rest is just Photoshop.
The hard part was the decision on how large the Eagle and the opacity.  And what would you call this?
This was clearly a departure for me.  A little growth.  A little fun.  

And then I thought - how would the paint look?

I'm going with the non=painted version for the screen saver collection.  Until I change my mind.

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