Sunday, May 24, 2020

Richland Park Juvenile Eagle Close to Flight

Last night's encounter with the juvenile eagle was a lot of fun.  This guy has to be close to flight.  yea, the light wasn't all that good.  Maybe I'll get some better shots today.  The sun is out, at least for a few hours.  Anyway more from last night.
Just watching this guy jumping around was so interesting.  If I had seen this 50 years ago, who knows where my life might have gone.  I have a few nature related encounters that i will always remember.  For example, in the prior life we (aircrew) were transiting Ascension Island and I witnessed the nighttime trek of the Green Turtle coming out of the Atlantic Ocean to lay eggs on the beach.  And now I'm seeing the growing of the Eaglet.  So, nature has been going on for thousands of years, and I see I'm just a visitor.  Very cool.
Photographically, this has been fun to finally get to use AI Gigapixel.  Sure it would be nice to have a mega-telephoto lens.  And again, I am just an amateur with a somewhat limited budget.  I have to use the equipment I have.  Yea, I'd like the images to be much sharper when cropped this close, but as long as they pass the office monitor test, I'll take it.
This was as close as the little guy got to facing me with it's wings opening up.  Looks like either through jumping or flight, off the ground with a nest safety net.

Juvenile Eagle Moving
NIKON D780 Ver.01.01/200-500mm f/5.6E
500 mm, 12500 sec, f/5.6, ISO 900 (AUTO)
MANUAL Mode, Size DX

There were a few times I saw the wingspan.  As wide as the nest.  The first shots I have of the Eaglets this year is March 26th.  I can see two little heads just above the nest rim.  Lots of nest material in the way, but you can see them.  Little fuzzy things.  Eight weeks later, the wingspan is across the nest.  That is a lot of growing.

Juvenile Eagle Wingspan
NIKON D780 Ver.01.01/200-500mm f/5.6E
500 mm, 12500 sec, f/5.6, ISO 1400 (AUTO)
MANUAL Mode, Size DX

Think I'll return to the park this afternoon.  Better light, warmer and take a book to listen to.  Social distancing, not an issue.

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