Sunday, March 24, 2019

Detroit Model Railroad Shoot - 2019

Yesterday was the Club's annual photo shoot at the Detroit Model Railroad Club's location.  I think this is the fourth year we've done this.
First, four of my images from 2018 were chosen for the 2019 calendar.  Very happy to see the work is appreciated by others.
That was the good part of the day, the rest seemingly went downhill from there.  But as the noted philosopher Yoda noted years in the future, "The greatest teacher failure is".  And so as it goes with most of my life's education, by the end of the day, I learned a lot.
First, my coordination with other people needs work.  People skills.  Also doing some camera work were some members of the DMRRC.  I should have explained what I was doing with stacking and the process.  While I was stacking, some trains were moved, some flash shots went, and well, challenges come in many forms.  I will have to overcome.  To be very clear, this was my issue, no one else's.
And then there was my choice of camera.
All week prior to the shoot, I told myself to use the D7200.  The connection to the tablet via Bluetooth works, the images are very good.  A proven performer for this event.  And then I said, well let's try the D500.  And as the noted philosopher Homer (Simpson) philosophed, "Doh!".
Well, I guess I had to try.  
I had put a quick release on the shoulder straps of the D7200.  Must have been a reason for that?  Ha, well that was an unexpected source of frustration.  That shoulder strap was a pain.
Then there was the tethering from the camera to the tablet.  The D7200 has a great simple WiFi set up.  The D500 was set up to use Snapbridge.  If I have one issue with the D500, it is the network is way too proprietary.  Snapbridge and I are not friends.  That is another post in itself, but I made the conscious decision to bypass WiFi for a cable.  I chuckle at my foolish thoughts.
For some reason, and I will find out, but my stacking didn't read the NEF files from the D500.  This is not an issue with the D7200.  That mistake could have been a real disaster, except I was also creating JPG files.  And in large format.  Luck comes in many flavors.  And for the failure/teacher part, I have to work with JPGs.  I worked on a stack this morning, and Yoda would be proud.  I overcame the file format issue, JPGs work just fine.  I also overcame the train moving and it turned out OK.  That post will follow with the story.
All in all, through my failures I have learned a lot.  I didn't leave with as many stacks as I usually walk away with so I'll have to work with single shot images.  
On a more positive note, I did get some shots with ISOs over 10k.  Will be interesting to see how they turned out.
More learning.  

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