Monday, November 9, 2020

D850 Test - in November

With the battery charged, the menu set up and a sunny November day in the 70s, time to take the the D850 out for a test drive.  I couldn't too far away from the house, due to the paying job, but the park a few miles away was in bounds.

I saw these two bikes leaning against a tree.  The riders were off walking around.  And they returned while I was taking the photos.  They were so nice, they asked if the bikes were in the way of something.  There is hope for the world.  Any way, what I saw here was the green on the smaller bike.  That is what doesn't belong.  Just great.

Two Bikes Against a Tree
NIKON D850 Ver.1.11/NIKKOR 70-200mm f/2.8E FL ED
75 mm, 1/500 sec, f/2.8, ISO 500 (Auto)
EV 0.00, MANUAL Mode

And the first field test with the new lens.  At f/2.8 - pure awesome.  Super sharp against the tree.

And at the park, the BMXers couldn't stay home on such a nice day.  I like the split of focus on this, there is real distance.  Could be the BMX winner for the year.

Head On
NIKON D850 Ver.1.11/NIKKOR 70-200mm f/2.8E FL ED
200 mm, 1/1250 sec, f/3.5, ISO 100 (Auto)
EV 0.00, MANUAL Mode

Can't wait for the airplanes!