Sunday, December 13, 2020

I'm bored...

 I'm missing photography discussions that I would normally have with my photo club.  We are still banned from our meeting location amid Covid restrictions.  And I don't see a relaxation of the overall 'mandates' in Michigan - at least until mid-January.  Right or wrong, it is what it is.
So, I'm bored.  Post multiple games of solitaire bored.  So what to do?
Two things that come up when I do get a chance to chat with other hobbyists, is that we all have varying levels of knowledge and experience with the basic elements of photography.  And more importantly how our cameras process those elements is often in question.  At least in our club, most of the answers to questions relating on how to 'compose' a better photograph involve shooting in RAW format and fix the photo in post processing.  I'm guilty of that a lot.  A real lot.  To the point of not recognizing JPG files.  Call me a RAW snob.  That's OK, I've been called much worse.
My photographic journey has been a series of phases.  Who can forget the 'clown' HDR phase?  I'd like to, but it is a foundation.  The images will not be deleted.  And the 'shoot dark' phase - with a lot of correction in post processing?  Again, it is a building block.
In the last two years, I find myself 'chimping' after almost every shot.  Chimping is the not so subtle act of checking some form of information for each photograph after each shot.  My look involves looking the the photo histogram and general layout.  Am I fairly light balanced?  Do I need to dial in some exposure compensation?  Is my layout OK?  Do I need to get closer (zoom in) or did I lose something (zoom out)?
Love instant digital information feedback.
So with instant feedback, let's just try to get a better product to work with prior to post processing.  Our club spends a lot of time on post processing - and I'm part of that movement.  I don't apologize.  I'm now thinking we should have more time devoted to getting it right the first time.  And so to that end, I'm going to dust off some reference materials and dive into some of the elements of photography - basics.
I have led discussions within the club on how the camera's auto-focus works and the metering formats.  Instead of another game of solitaire or crossword puzzle, I will post some of the information from my past club discussions.  In my discussions, I limited many of the terms and modes to Nikon only.  I'm lazy, I get it.  So I will try to research the information for Canon, Sony and Fuji families as well.  Yep, I know a Fuji disciple as a friend.  Can't say I'm not inclusive.
So in no particular - and with no time table I will be posting my thoughts on the elements of photography.
If you google 'elements of photography', there are all sorts of answers.  So I'm going after the non-artistic elements.  I'm going after light and how the camera processes work.  I leave the artistic elements to others.
Seems like a good project to get me ready for the post-Covid era.  Already lining up air shows.

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