Sunday, September 13, 2020

de Havilland Canada Beaver - R/C Style

 In going to an event where there are many subjects, where people have put time, effort and $$$s into their hobby, I really don't like saying - This is my favorite.  First, I was there for only one day, and an expert that does not make me.  And if I get to another event, I don't want to be looking over my shoulder for a loose D cell coming my way.
This is what I will say after two days at the event, anything with a gas engine will get my attention.  The noise, the smell and the pit crew.  Next, colors.  Seems I gravitate to yellows in either primary or accent.  Next, size.  Bigger is better.  If not trying for speed, slower is better for me.  Like in Reno and the T-6 class, bigger, slower and I have a good idea where it will be second to second.
Taking photos of aircraft in straight and level flight is fun, but doesn't translate well for my purposes.  There needs to be something else for the keeper shot.  I threw away a lot of technically good photos from the last two days.  Obviously anything with water was a keeper, and if I could get some reference from a water line and trees, that was a keeper.  And in a serendipitous  surprise, an odd placed person seems to bring the story home.
On Thursday, with heavy overcast skies, this de Havilland Canada Beaver caught my attention.  First, it was one of the more colorful aircraft in flight for the day.  Great contrast against a dull sky, the AF locked right on.

de Havilland Canada Beaver - Static
NIKON D780 Ver.01.01/VR 24-70mm f/2.8
42 mm, 1/400 sec, f/5.6, ISO 320 (AUTO)
EV 0, MANUAL Mode, Size: 16:9

One thing I found out is that the prop blur is almost impossible (after two days of information gathering) to get right.  The electric motors when slowing down for decent look like they quit rotating.  Hey, it's electric.  In full power for take off, it is how I like to see it.  This has just a smidgen of blur.

de Havilland Canada Beaver Decending
NIKON D500 Ver.1.20/200.0-500.0 mm f/5.6
750mm, 1/2000 sec, f/5.6, ISO 2000 (AUTO)
EV 0, MANUAL Mode, Size: DX

Although I won't say which is a favorite airplane, I will say what is one of my five top shots for the day.  This is one of them.  I like the landing shots.  Water everywhere.  The trick is catching the right moment.  Event at 7 FPS, it doesn't always work.  This comes as close as I got for the day - nailed it.

de Havilland Canada Beaver Controlled Splash
NIKON D500 Ver.1.20/200.0-500.0 mm f/5.6
750mm, 1/2000 sec, f/5.6, ISO 1100 (AUTO)
EV 0, MANUAL Mode, Size: DX

Again, a CP would help.  I will be looking for one today.  Amazon will probably make another sale today.  The monster lens has a 95mm size, the filters are few and far between.  The fun of the hunt.

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