Monday, January 13, 2020

(More) Four off the Floor

This post is about hockey pictures.  Really.  And may help with the horse shots for the upcoming season.  But it is for hockey help in the short term.
Last year, the focus was on improving prop driven aircraft.  This year, it is finding ways to live with digital noise.  There are a few realities in my world.  (Unless there is a lottery winning in my future) I will have middle of the road lenses.  There are no $6K, $9k or $12K lenses in my future.  There will be good camera sensors, crop or full.  I will have to make do.  Easy, eh?
So I'm going back to the Michigan Interscholastic Horsemanship Association event from last October.  Yes, it was fun.  Yes it was a light challenge.  Importantly, I took a lot of photos at different settings.  A place to return to when I have an idea or question.
First, about the shot.  Horse, four hoofs off the floor.  Rider, determination.  And there are folks in the bleachers.  It's all good.  I'm fairly certain there was no horse related teams at my high school back in the day, although there were farms all around.  I'll stop there.

(More) Four off the Floor
NIKON D500 Ver.1.15/18.0-200.0 mm f/3.5-5.6
82 mm, 1/500 sec, f/5.6, ISO 6400
MANUAL Mode, Size DX

Not sure why I missed this one in the first round of viewing.  
Here's the hockey connection.  There is a lot of white, and shades of white.  And limited light.    I've been struggling to keep the ISO of the hockey shots to 800 - 1000.  What about drifting to 3000 or higher?  Will the available light in the photo overcome some of the digital noise?  Seems to me I have to work a bit harder to clear up the hockey shots - compared to this shot.  Am I drifting back to the 35mm days?  

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