Saturday, August 7, 2021

Thunder Over Michigan - Saturday

Today was a full day.  There was early for cast of rain that never materialized, never the less the morning was quite muggy.  The photo effects were incredible for the fast jets.  The clouds moved enough to make the day borderline comfortable.  Enough about the challenges.

The high humidity has an effect on fast moving aircraft.  Essentially the aircraft will create its own mini weather system.  With a jet flying straight and level, the closer to the sound barrier the jet's wings get, the more the low pressure is created in pockets along the jet's wings and fuselage.  Low pressure clouds are formed.  And for some reason, they move along with the jet.  It's an illusion.  The point is, when you see the clouds on the jet, you are moving along.  Plus, regulations forbid breaking the sound barrier in populated areas.  So you want to go just fast enough.....

I had been trying for this shot since yesterday, lucky for me the winner is a fast jet.  Adds more to the story.  And this frames out well.

Fast Jet Fly by
NIKON D500 Ver.1.30/Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 200-500mm f/5.6E ED VR
480mm, 1/2000 sec, f/5.6, ISO 280
EV 0, MANUAL Mode, Size, DX

This needs more than a laptop edit.  This was around 11:30 AM, not this dark.  They laid down a lot of smoke. (It looked lighter in the edit, seriously.)  But you get the idea.

I like the two stories, fast jet and photographer on a stand.

My day was good.  Lots of work with the 200-500 lens on props.  And I had more success that I originally thought.  Need to get the real equipment on the case when I get home.

The shots today were good enough to allow tomorrow as a video experiment day.

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