Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Red Winged Blackbird

Is it a Red-Winged Blackbird or a Tri-Colored Blackbird?  I dunno.  I swear on line, the same picture are used for each.  So I go with the Red-Winged Blackbird here only because the Refuge website lists only the RWB as being sighted in the area.  Who am I to argue with the 'professional' birders who log their findings to some bird site?  Both birds belong to the AGELAIUS family.  They are about the same, so I'm comfortable with my decision.
This 'backyard bird' usually wouldn't catch my eye.  I like the bigger birds of prey.  However, my interests are expanding.  I watched this little one for a while.
The challenge with the smaller birds at a distance is I really don't have the right equipment for (small) birding.  Yet.  The reality is that my reach of 450 mm, or 600 mm in 1.3 size, really isn't enough.  I've crabbed on this before and there will be post at some point when I'm ready to pull the trigger about what to get to ease the situation.  Also, I need to get better with the environment.  I still left some lens in the bag, that is I wasn't at max mm.  I can do better. 
These images are very aggressively cropped and needed lots of software help.  They are OK on the monitor test.
The Red-Winged Blackbird chowing on something.

Red-Winged Blackbird Pecking at Food
NIKON D500 Ver.1.15/70.0-300.0 mm f/4.5-5.6
330mm, 1/500 sec, f/6.3, ISO 720 (Auto)
EV 0, Manual Mode, Picture Size - DX

And the same guy (yes, it is a male!) in portrait mode.

Red-Winged Blackbird
NIKON D500 Ver.1.15/70.0-300.0 mm f/4.5-5.6
330mm, 1/500 sec, f/6.3, ISO 800 (Auto)
EV 0, Manual Mode, Picture Size - DX

The nice thing about the Refuge is there are lots of birds, and other critters, varying in size and mobility.  Much better practicing on sea gulls.  And to be fair, there are sea gulls in the area.  Great way to spend a few hours of the day, expanding my horizons.

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