Sunday, September 15, 2019

Reno Day 3 - STOL Racing

Day 3 over.  This is going by way too fast.  Nuts.
Something new to the week is STOL racing.  STOL, Short Take Off and Landing.  Normal racing of any event is to go fast.  Sure, there are some other talents required, but basically go fast.  This STOL event is a bit different.  This is a one on one drag race.  Yes, there is an element of 'fast', but there is also the element of stop.  This got my attention.  
The 'lap' is take off, fly as fast as you can to a point, touch down, come to a stop on the line of flight.  Do a 180.  Take off, fly as fast as you can to a point, land and stop in the line of flight.  Easy, eh?
Probably easier to understand if you see something on YouTube.  
It was fun to watch.  It won't replace the noise of the other races, but it is a nice addition.

STOL Take Off
NIKON D500 Ver.1.15/70.0-300.0 mm f/4.5-5.6
600 mm, 1/320 sec, f/8, ISO 200 (Auto)
EV 0, MANUAL Mode, Size 1.3

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