Sunday, April 14, 2019

Horse Jump in the Sun

I spent most of today culling down the number of images from yesterday's adventure from just over 500 to about 110.  Something I can work with.  Since my philosophy is 'spray and pray', I have multiple shots around each image that I saved.  I'm looking for the best image in the sequence.  Not everyone agrees with that strategy, but it is my time to 'waste'.
What I found is I like the fairly head on jump shots, or at least fairly close to head on.  This is my first time doing this, so don't tell me I'm missing most of the jump, that is the back half of the horse.  I'll figure that out on my own.
Most of the saved images are of horses and riders in the initial sequence of the jump.  And a lot look alike.  There is also somewhat of a challenge of positioning.  Can't always be where I want to be.  Again, my first time.  Go easy.
This image is one of the very few shots where I am perpendicular to the jump.  On reflection, I won't shy away from these, I like it.
The challenge of the this shot was the top of the jump was reflecting the sunlight.  I shot with 0EV, and am lucky to get away with it.  There is a little definition, so the surface is a little blown.  Also the jump behind the subject it too light - and distracts from the subject.  Other than that, the image takes care of itself.  There are some nice greens, natural.  And the dull oranges of fallen leaves.

One of the problems with shooting in manual mode is when you move from shadows to sunlight and don't make the corrections necessary, you can wind up with some interesting numbers.  Like a speed of 1/3200 second.  And ISO 1250.  probably could have dialed in some more realistic numbers.  Ha.
This is the camera JPG:

The surface of the jumps move the eye away from the horse and rider.  The dark of the horse's neck also plays games with me, so I'l like to lighten that up just a bit.
And this is what I came up with.

With those two changes, my eyes stay on the horse and rider, doing the jump thing.
And the paint effect:

So far, the paint effect is pretty good on these.

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