Sunday, August 18, 2019

Mature Eagle in the Trees

One of the lessons I've learned at the Shiawassee Nature Refuge is to look in the trees.  I get caught up looking to the ground or water most of the time.  Some of the best action is eye level or above - in the trees.
I was cruising (< 5 MPH) by an area of trees where I usually see some action at the base of the trees, some 20 feet or so below the road.  I saw a very dark area just across from me when I was almost past and I had to back up.  This was my reward.  This was less than 15 yards away.  Probably closer to 10 yards.
This was a pretty dark shot.  I had to move around, in the truck, to get some form of light.   The first set of shots are very dark.

Mature Eagle in the Trees
NIKON D500 Ver.1.15/70.0-300.0 mm f/4.5-5.6
600 mm, 1/1000 sec, f/5.6, ISO 1000 (Auto)
EV 0, Manual Mode. Size 1.3, Highlight Metering

Photographically there is a lot going on here.  First, this is a culmination of many, many mistakes and missed shots.  I am a big fan on shooting in manual mode with the ISO in AUTO.  I have the camera set up that it won't have an ISO setting of greater than 1000.  (Set to max ISO 800 on the D7200.)  More importantly, I know where it is in the menu system to increase the value if needed, but for walk around these values work for me.  I know the argument that some don't like ISO surprises, but I can deal with these values.  The cameras handle them well.  And software will clean up the rest.
One of the other things I was working on was the 1.3 size.  With my FF lens, I can get an effective angle equivalent to 600 mm.  Another reason for the 1/1000 sec speed.  Manual Mode.  Starting to connect some dots?
The highlight metering is new to me.  I am looking forward to using it on the aircraft shots at Reno in a few weeks.  I think it will help with the dark images I get sometimes when shooting a dark aircraft against a really bright sky.  In these shots, that setting was spot on.
Environmentally speaking, the Eagle didn't seem to mind the truck.  As I mentioned before, I had to stop and back up to get this shot.  So there was some moving around.  And I had to lower the window.  All noise to me, but not enough to startle the bird.  And if I remember right, Aqualung was playing.  Nothing seemed to rattle this one.  But I bet if I went for the door.......  The door was not necessary.
I spent about 5 minutes with this one and during that time it never turned around.  Always had it's back to me.  But it made a few moves, and I swear, it was gong to play peek-a-boo with me.

Eagle Playing Peek-a-Boo
NIKON D500 Ver.1.15/70.0-300.0 mm f/4.5-5.6
600 mm, 1/1000 sec, f/5.6, ISO 1000 (Auto)
EV 0, Manual Mode. Size 1.3, Highlight Metering

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